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Flavor, or flavour, is the perceptual impression of food or other substances, and is determined primarily by the chemical senses of the gustatory and olfactory system The "trigeminal senses", which detect chemical irritants in the mouth and throat, as well as temperature and texture, are also important to the overall gestalt of taste perception. The taste of food can be altered naturally or artificially.

Of the three chemical senses, smell is the main determinant of a food item's flavor. Five basic tastessweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory) are universally recognized, although some cultures also include pungenc and oleogustus ("fattiness") The number of food smells is unbounded; a food's flavor, therefore, can be easily altered by changing its smell while keeping its taste similar. This is exemplified in artificially flavored jellies, soft drinks and candies, which, while made of bases with a similar taste, have dramatically different flavors due to the use of different scents or fragrances. The flavorings of commercially produced food products are typically created by flavorists.

Products not intended to be consumed, which are added to food in order to impart or modify odour and/or taste, are called flavorings or flavourings. A "flavorant" or "flavour-ant" is defined as a substance that gives another substance taste, altering the characteristics of the solute, causing it to become sweet, sour, tangy, etc. Although both terms, in common language, denote the combined chemical sensations of taste and smell, the same terms are used in the fragrance and flavors industry to refer to edible chemicals and extracts that alter the flavor of food and food products through the sense of smell.

Owing to the high cost, or unavailability of natural flavor extracts, most commercial flavorants are "nature-identical", which means that they are the chemical equivalent of natural flavors, but chemically synthesized rather than being extracted from source materials. Identification of components of natural foods, for example a raspberry, may be done using technology such as headspace techniques, so the flavorist can imitate the flavor by using a few of the same chemicals present. In the EU legislation, the term "natural-identical flavouring" does not exist. The legislation is specified on what is a "flavouring" and a "natural flavouring". A flavor is a quality of something that affects the sense of taste.
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